Friday, March 28, 2008

Awkward Moments

It has occurred to me recently, that awkward moments happen a lot more than they used to. Now I do not know if this is as a result of my own personal personality, or if this is as a result of the reality of life. Have you ever noticed that when two people are approaching each other in a hallway, and they make eye contact, it is very hard for awkwardness not to come out of that situation or la situation en francais. Especially if you are vaguely familiar with that person. Then you are left both knowing that you know the other but unaware if the other remembers you so you don't say anything, or you do and the other person completely ignores you. Sometimes it seems like just avoiding eye contact with people all together would be the best way to save yourself embarassment. However, I hate ignoring people and I like to look at those around me rather than pretend I don't see anyone. Perhaps it is because of this quality that I end up feeling painfully awkward so much of the time. Should I change my open eye habits though? I think not, therefore, I am proposing to myself that I just learn to accept awkward moments for a regularity in my life. Embrace the awkardity and learn to laugh at what other people will poke fun of me for in the future. Yes, this seems like a most excellent plan.


Janna said...

oh kirsten, embarrassing moments are the spice of life.

Janna said...

well, my original comment got deleted, and i'm sure you know how it is when you write some really witty things and then they get deleted and you just can't say it as well the second time. i'll do my best. it was something about how i got your hopes up about writing a comment, so i would follow through. and you are cool. the end.

ps - i am anticipating many many posts in the 10 days between exams and summer. if you don't follow through, you can anticipate mean things written about you on your wall and on my blog. i will follow through on that. believe me. mean, mean things.

Janna said...

i am eagerly awaiting the writing that will be posted on this page in the not-so-distant future.

Kyra Anderson said...

that's how you'll meet your future husband...awkward moments.

Hello Planet Earth

By Planet Earth, I am actually referring to those of you who have entered this new world called My Blog. Welcome here. I hope that you enjoy your stay and encourage others in this direction as well. Have a truly marvelous day. I am seeing how this works. Will this message show up on the screen? I only hope so for your sake.