Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Silliness of Dread

If you haven't experienced the feeling that people commonly refer to as "dread", than I wonder if you are a for real human being. Well, as it says in the title, this dread thing is super silly. Funny how that is exactly what I wanted to say about dread and that is what the title of this somehow turned out to be.

"Why is dread so silly?" this is a question that I'll bet a lot of you folks are wanting to phrase to me at this very moment. Well, I'm glad you asked that, because that is where I was going with this blog writing at this moment. Dread is so silly because you can spend a whack load (which is equivalent to x number of hours) just thinking about something that may or may not happen. And it always seems like in the end, you wish you hadn't have spent x number of hours dreading. In my opinion, dread is much if not exactly the same as worrying. One can let themselves get all down about their situation or a possible situation to come. They will worry and dread and just not look forward to something that is in the future. In my experience, these dreaded items or events either don't occur or they are so much better than I ever could have imagined. Later, I wonder to myself I wonder, "Why the heck did I spend x number of hours dreading that?" Perhaps these thoughts have come to you too? Oh come on admit it. I believe they come to all of us at one point or another. Some of us more than others.

I think of myself as an expert worrier. A Worry Wart or perhaps a Dreading Delilah? Something of the sort anyway. There have been so many times that I have worried or dreaded something to come. I am not proud of how many hours I have wasted thinking unpositive thoughts when I could be praying for a right attitude. I do believe that God wants us to seize each moment, and how can you make the most of each moment when you are down about something to come? I don't think you can.

I am thinking of this right now because tomorrow I am going to an outreach center and I have been there before. I never look forward to it and unfortunately, I am always happy for it to be over. However, every time when it is over, I am so glad that I went, because it was a good thing to do plus it was even fun. So why do I always still not look forward to it? Good question.

I heard once that when you worry, you aren't putting Jesus at your center. Yes, I think the act of not worrying/dreading is something that people have to work on, some people have to work harder than others. However, I think that if you are committed to praying and seeking God for help with your positive attitude, you can live for each moment and make far better use of your time. I am definitely trying to seek God for help with this silly business with dread, but it is something that I catch myself getting stuck in from time to time.

Also, I thought of something just now. If you are caught in the feeling of dread, you may be locked. So one might refer to you as a "Dread locked" person. Ha. That's funny right?

Hello Planet Earth

By Planet Earth, I am actually referring to those of you who have entered this new world called My Blog. Welcome here. I hope that you enjoy your stay and encourage others in this direction as well. Have a truly marvelous day. I am seeing how this works. Will this message show up on the screen? I only hope so for your sake.